networkscaleup - Network Scale-Up Models for Aggregated Relational Data
Provides a variety of Network Scale-up Models for
researchers to analyze Aggregated Relational Data, mostly
through the use of Stan. In this version, the package
implements models from Laga, I., Bao, L., and Niu, X (2021)
<arXiv:2109.10204>, Zheng, T., Salganik, M. J., and Gelman, A.
(2006) <doi:10.1198/016214505000001168>, Killworth, P. D.,
Johnsen, E. C., McCarty, C., Shelley, G. A., and Bernard, H. R.
(1998) <doi:10.1016/S0378-8733(96)00305-X>, and Killworth, P.
D., McCarty, C., Bernard, H. R., Shelley, G. A., and Johnsen,
E. C. (1998) <doi:10.1177/0193841X9802200205>.